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Getting It Ready To Print!

Primary applications used at Graphic Web are InDesign, QuarkXpress, Photoshop and Acrobat. Any layouts submitted in Word programs may incur additional costs. All jobs must be submitted in PDF format with graphics and fonts embedded into file. Although many applications have the ability to export your job to a PDF, we recommend using Acrobat Distiller to create your PDF file. Exporting from the application may cause problems with reproduction of graphics and fonts. Before submitting job please follow all submission guidelines below.
Please Download PDF Settings and other USEFUL TIPS here:


  • All files and graphics must be submitted in digital format. Email completed print ready files to

  • If file size is too large to email please call or email for FTP instructions. Or you may send by DropBox, GoogleDrive, WeTransfer. Please make sure we have access to the file when using one of these methods.

  • Please submit a color print out of your job to address above.

  • Use PDF SETTINGS on our website to create your files. Go to Click on “Sending files and tips”. Follow link to PDF options.

  • If requested, we will supply you with a Soft Electronic/Digital Proof from the submitted file. Please make sure to follow the guidelines before submitting files. We provide proofs for several reasons, one being to ensure that nothing has gone wrong during the processing of your electronic files. The purpose is not necessarily to give the customer a chance to proof read, correct typos, layout errors on their part, as the submitted files should already be PRINT ready. It is critical that you review these proofs and confirm that all is as expected so that together, we can produce high quality, error free printing at an affordable price with no surprises. Or more importantly, no surprises in the delivered product! Additional proofs are Minimum charge of $25, or $55 per hour.

  • Please read and follow all guidelines on website.



All jobs must be submitted in PDF format with graphics and fonts embedded into file. Although many applications have the ability to export your job to a PDF, we recommend using Acrobat Distiller to create your PDF file.

Exporting from the application may cause problems with reproduction of graphics and fonts. Please see steps for creating a pdf file


All documents should be set up as single or facing pages. Do not set up as printer spreads.

To prevent any image or text from being trimmed off, all images must be 1/4” inside trim edge of layout in the SAFE ZONE.

Any images meant to extend into the edge of the layout (bleed) must be extended 1/4” PAST TRIM AREA in order to bleed.

Submit file with TRIM Crop Marks only. We do not need color bar, registration, etc.


OFFSET PRESS: Largest final trim size of full size magazine is 8.125” x 10.75”.

DIGITAL PRESS: Largest final trim size of full size magazine is 8.5” x 11”. Digital is for short run magazines.

If you are in question of which print method is being used, please ask before creating document.


Your file resolution should be submitted at no less than 300 dpi. Line art/Bitmapped images should have a resolution of 1200 dpi. Lower resolution files will be printed as is but may appear pixilated or blurry.


Make sure you embed all the fonts in your PDF. When possible convert all Fonts to curves (also called outlines or paths) in your native application program before creating your PDF. If you are working in Photoshop simply

flatten the image.

It is not a good idea to use a font size smaller than 7 point.

It is not a good idea to apply styles to your fonts, if you want a bold font use a bold font rather than selecting bold from the styles menu.


  • Full color printing requires that your files be created in CMYK mode. Files submitted in RGB will be automatically converted to CMYK and a color shift will occur.

  • All text meant to be black must be composed of BLACK ONLY. Do not use four color black on text.

  • If you have large areas of solid black in your document you may use a RICH black consisting of 100% black, 50% cyan, 50% magenta & 20% yellow. DO NOT use small reverse type or small images in the RICH black areas as they will not register well. Type built with a rich black should be 24pt or larger.

  • When designing your project, be aware of and take into account DOT GAIN. Dot gain is a measure of the difference between the actual ink dot size of the printed piece and the ink dot size specified by the source file. It refers to ink dots appearing larger on the printed piece due to either a mechanical or optical effect. Dot gain is not good or bad. It is simply a normal result of the printing process that must be taken into consideration during the creation of the source file, the choice of papers, printing process, inks, etc. If not taken into account, the result is a printed image that looks darker than intended. For color printing, the dot gain will vary between colors. The dot gain for cyan, magenta, yellow and black will not be the same. Web presses normally produce a higher dot gain than sheetfed presses. A good rule is to allow for a minimum 10% dot gain.

  • Blues & Violet Hues: Blues are the most difficult color to control and there are very few pure looking CMYK blue hues available. To prevent blues from coming out purple or violet keep at least a 35% difference between your Cyan and Magenta values. Higher amounts of Cyan and lower amounts of Magenta. Avoid Yellow unless you are looking to lean towards teal or green.

  • Yellows & Greens: Yellows are best comprised of two colors Yellow and some smaller amount of Magenta. Cyan and Yellow in varying amounts will produce bright Greens. Adding Magenta or Black will result in duller Greens. To much Magenta will result in a brownish or red tint.

  • Oranges & Reds: Oranges & Reds are a factor of the ratio between Magenta and Yellow. An equal or greater amount of Magenta to Yellow will result in a Red Hue. A Yellow value that exceeds your Magenta value will result in an Orange hue. Cyan is used as a secondary color to adjust or darken the shade of Red or Orange.

  • The best way to predict your print colors is to check the process color builds in your file against a recent Pantone Process Build Guide. See



Electronic proofs (or soft proofs)are a PDF of your print project. It’s simply a simulation of your intended print piece on a monitor. While it’s convenient for sharing and reviewing, a soft proof can often be insufficient for ensuring color consistency. After all, what you see on screen can be deceiving. Calibrations, lighting, and even the stock your job will print on can dramatically alter the accuracy of what you see from a soft proof.


Unlike soft proofs that are merely digital PDF proof versions of your print project, digitally printed proofs (or hard proofs) are actually printed on a digital printer or other output devices. This proof acts as a sample of your final print project without any major finishing effects.

The advantage of running a hard proof is that you are able to see a physical print version of your project on the substrate it will be printed on. This allows you to check for color consistency, as well as other important elements, such as how well your design aligns with folds, cuts and other technical elements.

With that said, hard proofs are not 100% accurate. Printing on a digital printer versus a press can change the final result significantly. Moreover, the end product can vary depending on the substrate (chipboard, plastics, linen, SBS, etc.) you are printing on.

A hard proof may still lack enough resemblance with your final piece for complete accuracy. Things like coatings or gloss/dull variances are hard to simulate.

For any questions please call Alison Hixson or David Hixson @ 706-657-3537

Graphic Web Inc will not be responsible for undetected printed errors regardless of origin when: a) work is printed per the customer’s signed approval, b) proofs are not required by the customer and c) requests for changes are communicated orally. Further, because of differences in equipment, paper, ink and other conditions between color proofing and production pressroom operations a reasonable variation in color between color proofs and the completed job is to be expected and considered

acceptable performance. When a variation of this kind occurs, it will be considered acceptable performance. By approving print of job, customer acknowledges that all information is correct and abides by Graphic Web Inc. Submission Guidelines posted at

Graphic Web Inc will not be responsible for printed quality of submitted images that do not abide by submission guidelines posted at

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